Portland Plot Twist Book Club
Upcoming Meeting Schedule
Next Hangout and Chat
Date: Late February, TBD
Location: Argenta Brewing
Time: 6PM
Next Presentation Day
Date: February 2nd
Location and Time available on request!
Past Themes and Projects
Theme #1: Community
Theme #2: Obsession
Theme #3: Memoir/Memory
Interested in Joining?
Email me at portlandplottwist@gmail.com!
Eventually we will have form here.... but... we're under construction...
How does this work?
First, we all agree on a theme to read about
Second, we each choose our own book that we feel we can relate to the theme.
Third, we chat and brainstorm what art project we individually want to make
Fourth, we each individually spend some time making our project
Fifth, we show off what we made to each other!